Two Distinct Learning Paths
Options Save Lives will soon be offering two TSM Coach training programs to fit the needs of the Sinclair Method support community.
The Professional TSM Coach (TSM-PC) training path is designed for those who are or want to become a paid TSM Coach either independently or as a valuable addition to a TSM medical provider's team.
Our TSM Peer Coach (TSM-peer) training path is designed to equip leaders in peer support groups and calls with additional skills to address nuanced peer support needs. TSM Peer Coaches are not certified to charge others for their support services.
In addition to context-driven lessons about the Sinclair Method, both the TSM-PC and TSM-peer training programs will explore topics including the role of a TSM Coach, coaching ethics, strategies to avoid giving medical advice, self-care for the coach, and more.

All New Format
Whether you decide to pursue the TSM-PC or the TSM-peer training, the general format is the same.
First, you will complete a set of self-paced learning modules. Once you have successfully completed the online learning portion of the training and submitted a satisfactory skill assessment, you will receive instructions to sign up for the TSM Coach Certification Workshop for your training path.
The final step to earn your certification will be the TSM Coach Certification Workshop. Workshops will be held quarterly and will be paid for separately at the time of registration. Participants are expected to bring work assigned during the self-paced learning modules to ensure the highest quality of interaction with the group.
TSM-PC graduates will be listed with a 2-year certification expiration date on the Your Sinclair Method Coaching program website so that your clients and potential employers can verify your certification is valid and up to date. Certification renewal details will be released in 2026.
Learning Objectives
Professional TSM Coach (TSM-PC)
Explain the role and the legal limitations of a TSM Coach.
Demonstrate understanding of the TSM Coach Code of Ethics.
Understand various types of boundaries encountered in TSM Coaching.
Learn ways to establish clear, consistent boundaries to protect your time and your own mental health.
Explain why boundaries are important to the TSM Coaching process.
Learn to resolve boundary-related conflicts with empathy.
Learn to define AUD, TSM, and understand the TSM protocol.
Demonstrate understanding of the TSM Vocabulary.
Explain the dual nature of TSM.
Discuss what it means to work as a partner with the TSM process.
Learn critical background questions to ask your new clients.
Develop consistent record keeping skills.
Understand three ways records can be used.
Learn how to help your client stay motivated.
Understand resilience-building techniques.
Explain how support systems enhance recovery on TSM.
Distinguish between self-care and self soothing.
Identify self-care opportunities for clients.
Understand how the context of a person's unique needs or situation can impact the advice or support they need.
Learn how weight loss surgery, medication intolerance, and other special situations may require a hybrid approach to TSM and additional support.
Understand the roles of proper sleep, nutrition, and exercise in recovery.
Apply context of TSM to endorphin-producing activities.
Communicate ways to build purpose and connection relevant to a variety of client needs.
Define secondary/vicarious trauma.
Learn how to understand and assess your risk factors.
Identify signs of early secondary/vicarious trauma.
Understand the protective role of self-care for a TSM Coach.
Learn strategies to minimize secondary/vicarious trauma and how to get help.
TSM Peer Coach (TSM-peer)
Explain the role and the legal limitations of a TSM Coach.
Demonstrate understanding of the TSM Coach Code of Ethics.
Understand various types of boundaries encountered in TSM Peer Coaching.
Learn ways to establish clear, consistent boundaries to protect your time and your own mental health.
Learn to resolve boundary-related conflicts with empathy.
Learn to define AUD, TSM, and understand the TSM protocol.
Demonstrate understanding of the TSM Vocabulary.
Explain the dual nature of TSM.
Discuss what it means to work as a partner with the TSM process.
Learn ways to encourage peers to stay motivated.
Identify and understand the need for resilience-building tools.
Explain how support systems enhance recovery on TSM.
Distinguish between self-care and self soothing.
Understand how the context of a person's unique needs or situation can impact the advice or support they need.
Learn to ask better questions so you can give better answers.
Define secondary/vicarious trauma.
Learn how to understand and assess your risk factors.
Identify signs of early secondary/vicarious trauma.
Understand the protective role of self-care for a TSM Peer Coach.
Learn strategies to minimize secondary/vicarious trauma and how to get help.