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Samara Ibanez, Certified TSM Coach

photo of Samara Ibanez

2023 TSM Coach of the Year
Languages: English, Spanish

Imagine what your life would be if you could break free from AUD? What would it mean to you to finally be clear and healthy, not waking up exhausted every day?! How would you like to NOT go on a month long binge after having one beer? What would you give to be able to drink like a normal person…capable of enjoying one or two drinks on occasion without issue? Ready for your life to go to the next level?

Samara’s passion for helping others with AUD stems from her own 27 year long battle with alcohol and substances that began at an early age. Being a part of AA for almost 15 years she then found herself in a toxic cycle of abstinence then relapse. She also suffered from torturous cravings and triggers along the way. Have you found yourself in this cycle too? She simply could not get control of her drinking no matter what she tried...until she found TSM. The Sinclair Method quite literally saved her life. And because of that she now knows she was saved to serve you!

Samara has created The Purposeful TSM Blueprint, a five tiered formula:

Methodology - Your fast-track guide to removing roadblocks and avoiding mistakes so that you can hit extinction faster!

Mindfulness/Self Awareness - The recipe for self compassion that will allow you to love yourself more than you ever have before.

Habits/Cravings/Triggers - In asking the right questions of yourself before drinking, you will no longer worry about what causes you to drink.

(NEW) Health/Nutrition - replenish nutrients lost by excessive alcohol use for optimal body/mind function. Research shows that targeted nutrition/supplementation can speed up recovery.

Emotional Healing - Samara will walk you through the emotional healing methods she used that would ultimately allow her to release the guilt and shame brought on by years of uncontrolled drinking to become the best version of herself and build a thriving life.

(Note: Samara is a board certified holistic health and nutrition coach. She has included a NEW nutrition portion to her protocol)

Allow Samara to show you how to successfully gain control over alcohol so that you can return to safe and moderate drinking levels or quit once and for all. Samara was freed from alcohol use disorder and now considers herself a freedom fighter on a mission to share that gift of freedom from alcohol with you through The Sinclair Method.

"Samara brings a wealth of knowledge from her vast experience, both from her own personal journey, and her involvement helping numerous others. She exudes a supportive, positive attitude that is essential in guiding people gently, yet assertively, and above all, successfully, through the TSM based Thrive program. She displays genuine empathy for each person she coaches, regardless of that persons' particular orientation in life or stage of recovery." TSM Success Story, John F. Colorado, US

Videos and Additional Certifications

Samara's Client Community

Focus Areas

  • Recovery Nutrition
  • Mindfulness
  • Medication Adherence (Compliance)
  • Habit Change
  • NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)
  • Sleep Issues
  • Starting Over After Relapse
  • Self Compassion
  • Growth Mindset